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Arbitrary I/O Formats

So far we've always encoded our problem instances and solutions as json files, but Algobattle lets you also use whatever other data types you want for your problems. This page will go through the implementation of such a problem and explain every step in detail.

Inheriting from Instance or Solution

To define a problem that uses json encoding we just inherit from InstanceModel or SolutionModel, these are actually subclasses of Instance and Solution that combine their functionality with the Pydantic json parsing and data validation. This means that if we want to use our own encoding or decoding logic, we can just inherit from the base classes instead.

Throughout this page we will work on an example problem where instances are pictures and the task is to identify which animal is in it. This means that we will use a json based solution and a custom encoding for the instances. The starting point of our problem file then looks like this:
from typing import Literal

from algobattle.problem import Problem, Instance, SolutionModel

Animal = Literal["Cat", "Dog", "Duck", "Stingray", "Albatross", "Snake"]

class MyInstance(Instance):
    """Instances of Animal Detection."""


    def size(self) -> int:

class MySolution(SolutionModel[MyInstance]):
    """Solutions of Animal Detection."""

    found: Animal

    name="Animal Detection",
Class Names

In this example we call our instance and solution classes different names to avoid clashes with the base classes from algobattle.problem. You could instead also import them under different names or use dotted imports.

No Generator Solution

The way we will implement this problem is by not requiring the generator to also submit a solution. This is just a choice we make for this particular example, you can also use custom data formats for problems that also require a generator solution.

Implementing the Python Data

Every MyInstance object needs to hold the info it needs to encode the instance for the solver, score it, etc. In our example this means that we need to somehow store the image in these Python objects and implement things like the size property or validation and scoring methods using that. We will just use a basic data class and the pillow image library.
from typing import Literal
from dataclasses import dataclass

from algobattle.problem import Problem, Instance, SolutionModel
from algobattle.util import Role
from PIL import Image

Animal = Literal["Cat", "Dog", "Duck", "Stingray", "Albatross", "Snake"]

class MyInstance(Instance):
    """Instances of Animal Detection."""

    image: Image.Image

    def size(self) -> int:
        return max(self.image.width, self.image.width)

class MySolution(SolutionModel[MyInstance]):
    """Solutions of Animal Detection."""

    found: Animal

    def validate_solution(self, instance: MyInstance, role: Role) -> None:
        super().validate_solution(instance, role)
        ... # check that the correct animal is pictured

    name="Animal Detection",

The Encodable Protocol

We now need to tell Algobattle how it should encode our instances into files and how it should decode them from the output of a program. For the first we just implement an encode method that takes the location on the file system where the data needs to end up, and the role of the team that will read this data. We can either create a new folder at the given path and then place as many files as we want in it, or create a single file at that path. You should never create any files that aren't rooted at the given path, or are siblings of it, etc. The path we are given will have a plain name without any file extension, the name itself cannot be changed, but an appropriate file extension should be added.

class MyInstance(Instance):
    """Instances of Animal Detection."""

    image: Image.Image

    def size(self) -> int:
        return max(self.image.width, self.image.width)

    def encode(self, target: Path, role: Role) -> None:
        full_path = target.with_suffix(".png") # (1)! # (2)!
  1. Add the .png file extension
  2. Write the image to the target location using pillow.

Super Call

Do not call super().encode() in this method. The Instance class's encode method is abstract and will just raise an error. This is different to the validation methods.


We can use the role argument to encode data differently based on who is going to read it. Most of the time this argument won't be used, but it can be helpful when working with advanced battle types and problems.

The other method we need to implement is the decode class method. It takes a path pointing to where the program should have placed its output and then returns a problem instance object. It also again takes the role argument and an additional one specifying the maximum allowable size in this fight.

Maximum Size

You do not need to validate that the size of the instance actually is smaller than the maximum allowed size. This will be done in a later step by Algobattle itself. In most use cases the max_size argument won't be needed, but it can be helpful to e.g. prevent stalling in the decoding process when trying to read abnormally large files.

class MyInstance(Instance):
    """Instances of Animal Detection."""

    image: Image.Image

    def size(self) -> int:
        return max(self.image.width, self.image.width)

    def encode(self, target: Path, role: Role) -> None:
        full_path = target.with_suffix(".png")

    def decode(cls, source: Path, max_size: int, role: Role) -> Self:
        full_path = source.with_suffix(".png") # (1)!
            image = # (2)!
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise EncodingError("The image file does not exist.")
        except UnidentifiedImageError:
            raise EncodingError("The image cannot be decoded.")
        return cls(image) # (3)!
  1. Add the same file extension we used when encoding the data.
  2. Read the image using pillow.
  3. Return a new object of the instance class.

Super Call

Do not call super().decode() in this method. The Instance class's decode method is abstract and will just raise an error. This is different to the validation methods.

Generator Solution

If your problem does use generator solutions then you do not need to decode them in this method. The path you receive points only to the instance data and the generator's solution will be decoded using the solution class's decode method.

When the data cannot be decoded properly or is missing you should always raise an EncodingError from algobattle.util with appropriate error messages. This can also be in cases where you can in principle decode the data, but it does not conform to some specification that's part of your problem. For example, when using the usual base classes to decode json files we also apply Pydantic validation as part of this step.

Decoding Solutions

Solutions follow exactly the same encoding protocol, but additionally receive an argument on their decode method that contains the instance this solution is for. This means that you need to implement a decode method like this:

class ExampleSolution(Solution[ExampleInstance]):

    def decode(cls, source: Path, max_size: int, role: Role, instance: ExampleInstance) -> Self:

Specifying the I/O Schema

We optionally can also add a class method that specifies what exactly our instances should look like. This information will not be used by the Algobattle framework itself, but can be used by your students. It should be a textual and machine-readable description of what this instance's or solution's data needs to conform to. In the case of the usual json data it is their OpenAPI schema. What exactly this should look like depends heavily on the data encoding techniques you are using and in many cases there simply is no reasonable schema. In those cases it's best to just not implement this method.

This is the signature of this method:

class ExampleInstance(Instance):

    def io_schema(cls) -> str | None: