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A Complex Example

The 2D Knapsack Problem

In this section, we implement the so called 2D Knapsack Problem in its entirety, starting from scratch and ending with a packaged problem archive that can be handed out to others.

Usage of Complex Features

In parts of this we will use rather advanced features of Algobattle. We recommend looking up the more detailed explanations of anything you're unsure about in its corresponding section.

To start, let us define the problem. We are given a two-dimensional, rectangular space with an integer length and width, each of size at least one. We now want to pack a number of smaller rectangles into this space, such that no two pieces overlap and such that as much space is covered as possible. Each piece may be rotated by 90 degrees.

An instance for this problem thus consists of the dimensions of the knapsack as well as a limited set of rectangular items. A solution for this problem then describes where which piece should be placed and if it should be rotated by 90 degrees before being placed. The size of the solution is then the total area covered.

Starting Off

As in the previous section, we use the algobattle cli to construct a dummy problem folder for us. Since we are interested in later writing a dummy generator and dummy solver in python, we let the cli generate a stub of them for us as well as follows:

~ algobattle init --new -p "2D Knapsack" -l python
Created a new problem file at 2D Knapsack/
Created a python generator in 2D Knapsack/generator
Created a python solver in 2D Knapsack/solver
Initialized algobattle project in 2D Knapsack

We navigate into the newly created folder named 2D Knapsack, which has the following file structure:

└─ 2D Knapsack
   ├─ generator/
     ├─ .gitignore
     ├─ Dockerfile
     └─ pyproject.toml
   ├─ results/
   ├─ solver/
     ├─ .gitignore
     ├─ Dockerfile
     ├─ pyproject.toml
   ├─ .gitignore
   └─ algobattle.toml

Before we implement anything, we should take the time to specify exactly how an instance should look like. This means specifying the names of each key, their function and which values are legal for each.

First of all, an instance should contain the dimensions of the knapsack that is to be packed. For this, we introduce two keys height and width, and would like each to be an integer of value at least one and at most of value 2**64.

Secondly, we need to describe the items that are to be packed. Each item itself has a height and a width, which should again each be of integer size at least one. As an added restriction, we only want to allow items that are at all able to fit into the knapsack, so as not to allow spamming a solver with items that can never be part of a valid solution. To spare us some headache in the validation step of the instance, we demand each item to fit into the knapsack without any rotation, as a sort of normalization of the instance.

Next, we need to specify the contents of a valid solution file. This is in principle quite simple: We are interested in a list specifying which of the items of the instance * should be placed in the knapsack * at which position * being rotated or not.

We will be lazy and define a dictionary packing that maps the index of items to a three-tuple, as described.

Writing a Mock Generator and Solver

Before we start writing any problem code, we write a mock generator and a mock solver. This helps us do plausibility checks while writing the actual problem file and is not required for the finished problem file.

We start with filling in the generator.

"""Main module, will be run as the generator."""
import json
from pathlib import Path

max_size = int(Path("/input/max_size.txt").read_text())

instance = {
    'height': 4,
    'width': 3,
    'items': [
        [1, 3],
        [4, 3],
        [3, 3],
        [3, 2],
        [1, 3]

solution = {
    'packing': {
        0: [0, 0, 'unrotated'],
        3: [1, 0, 'unrotated'],
        4: [1, 2, 'rotated']


We made sure that the solution is not unique for the given instance to make sure that the framework is able to compare two different solutions. We next fill in the solver.

"""Main module, will be run as the solver."""
import json
from pathlib import Path

instance = json.loads(Path("/input/instance.json").read_text())

solution = {
    'packing': {
        1: [0, 0, 'rotated']


We are now able to immediately test any code that we write.

Handling Instances

We already know that we expect three keys in any instance: A height, a width and a list of items.


For brevity, the following code snippets do not include all necessary imports. We provide the complete content of the at the end of this section.

Our first approach uses only very rough type annotations for our expected keys and does a lot of the validation of the instance explicitly.

"""The 2D Knapsack problem module."""
from algobattle.problem import Problem, InstanceModel, SolutionModel, maximize
from algobattle.util import Role, ValidationError
from algobattle.types import u64

class Instance(InstanceModel):
    """Instances of 2D Knapsack."""

    height: u64
    width: u64

    items: list[u64, u64]

    def validate_instance(self) -> None:
        if self.height < 1 or self.width < 1:
            raise ValidationError("The knapsack is smaller than allowed!")
        if any(item[0] < 1 or item[1] < 1 for item in self.items):
            raise ValidationError("An item of the instance is smaller than 1x1!")
        if any((item[0] > self.height or item[1] > self.width) for item in self.items):
            raise ValidationError("An item of the instance cannot fit in the knapsack!")

    def size(self) -> int:
        return len(self.items)

We can clean this code up by tightening up the annotations a bit.

"""The 2D Knapsack problem module."""
from pydantic import Field
from typing import Annotated

from algobattle.problem import Problem, InstanceModel, SolutionModel, maximize
from algobattle.util import Role, ValidationError
from algobattle.types import u64, Interval, InstanceRef

item_height = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=1, le=InstanceRef.height)]
item_width = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=1, le=InstanceRef.width)]
point = tuple[item_height, item_width]

class Instance(InstanceModel):
    """Instances of 2D Knapsack."""

    height: u64 = Field(ge=1)
    width: u64 = Field(ge=1)

    items: list[point]

    def size(self) -> int:
        return len(self.items)

As you can see, we have moved all explicit checks from the validate_instance method into the annotations. Do note that by using the InstanceRef import, we are able to use the values of some keys to annotate other keys!


If you are not familiar with pydantics annotations, we recommend using the pydantic documentation as a reference. As you have seen in the previous iteration of the code, they are not essential, but very helpful to reduce code clutter and potential mistakes.

This is already everything we need to implement for the instance. The size method ensures that the number of items does not exceed the allowed limit given by the instance size. We next turn to the solutions.

Handling Solutions

The packing key is slightly more involved to construct. To recapitulate, we would like this key to be a dictionary that maps indices of items to a two-dimensional position and an indicator whether they should be rotated. We use a similar approach as for the items list. We additionally import the Literal class from the typing module as well as the SizeIndex type alias from algobattle.types.

position_height = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=0, lt=InstanceRef.height)]
position_width = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=0, lt=InstanceRef.width)]
rotation = Literal["unrotated", "rotated"]

class Solution(SolutionModel[Instance]):
    """Solutions of 2D Knapsack."""

    packing: dict[SizeIndex, tuple[position_height, position_width, rotation]]

This of course does not at all ensure that the given solution is valid, yet. We did not yet check whether items overlap or extend beyond the boundaries of the knapsack. Since these checks are arguably beyond the scope of simple type checking, we implement these tests explicitly in the validate_solution method. For convenience, we import the itertools library.

    def validate_solution(self, instance: Instance, role: Role) -> None:
        flattened_packing = []
        for index, (pos_height, pos_width, rotation) in self.packing.items():
            item_height = instance.items[index][0 if rotation == "unrotated" else 1]
            item_width = instance.items[index][1 if rotation == "unrotated" else 0]

            height_endpoint = pos_height + item_height
            width_endpoint = pos_width + item_width
                (index, pos_height, height_endpoint, pos_width, width_endpoint)

        if height_endpoint > instance.height or width_endpoint > instance.width:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Item extends the knapsack boundaries.",
                detail=f"Item {index} was placed at position ({pos_height, pos_width}), extending the knapsack boundaries."

        for item, other_item in itertools.combinations(flattened_packing, 2):
            if item[1] < other_item[2] and item[2] > other_item[1]:
                if item[3] < other_item[4] and item[4] > other_item[3]:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        "Two items overlap.",
                        detail=f"Items {item[0]} and {other_item[0]} overlap."

We are almost done writing the problem class. The next step is to tell the framework what the quality of a solution is, i.e. which values it should compare when given two solutions to determine which is the better one.

For this, we overwrite the score method. We have access to the solution via the self argument, access to the instance via the instance argument and can even decide to judge the certificate solution of the generator and a solvers solution differently, via the role argument, e.g. to give the solver some additional slack.

    def score(self, instance: Instance, role: Role) -> float:
        area = 0
        for index in self.packing:
            area += instance.items[index][0] * instance.items[index][1]
        return area

You can find the complete contents of the at the end of this tutorial section.

Best Practice: Writing Tests

Now that we have created a problem file, it is time to see if it does what we want it to do. The most straightforward sanity check is to run the mock generator and solver that we have written previously.


If you did not generate the problem folder as we did in this tutorial, make sure that a team is entered in the algobattle.toml file that utilizes the solver and generator that we wrote!

For this, we can use the algobattle test command. This command builds the generators and solvers of the configured teams and executes a single run of them at the minimum size that was configured for the problem.

Running this command does however produce an issue:

~ algobattle test
Testing programs of team Rats
Generator built successfully
Generator didn't run successfully
Solver built successfully
Cannot test running the solver
You can find detailed error messages at results/test-2024-01-01_12-35-10.json

So what went wrong? Looking into the log files reveals the issue.

    "Rats": {
        "generator_run": {
            "type": "ValidationError",
            "message": "Instance is too large.",
            "detail": "Generated: 5, maximum: 1"

We wrote a generator and solver that run on an instance with five items, but proclaimed in the that any instance with at least one item is valid:

    name="2D Knapsack",

Should we thus change our generator and solver? We do not have to, as the algobattle test command allows us to run the test on a specific instance size:

~ algobattle test --size 5
Testing programs of team Rats
Generator built successfully
Generator ran successfully
Solver built successfully
Solver ran successfully

This tells us that the combination of our problem description with a small, hand-crafted instance behaves as expected. It is at this stage where most of the errors in the code come to light. You can use the log files written into the results folder to assist you in debugging your code. You may find at this stage that it does pay off to write detailed ValidationError exception messages.

Just because our single, hand-crafted test ran through, this does not mean that our code is without any conceptual errors. Especially when giving your problem file to other people, who will likely spend much more time dissecting your code and descriptions to learn how to write their own programs, many unexpected issues with your code may come to light.

To mitigate some of the reports of illegal inputs that are nevertheless accepted by your code, legal inputs that are rejected by your code, or worst -- code that crashes your validation code -- it is a good idea to write a few unittests.

We do not want to dive into too much detail on how you could test your code, how much coverage may be desirable and related topics, as this goes well beyond the scope of this tutorial. Testing code is a topic about which volumes have been written by authors who are much more knowledgeable about the topic as we could claim to be.

Thus, we only talk about how to best interface the problem that we have designed, so that you can then use this knowledge to write your own tests. We use the unittest module from the standard library for this part of the tutorial.

We create a file in the 2D Knapsack folder, with generic scaffolding.
"""Tests for the 2D Knapsack problem."""
import unittest

from algobattle.util import Role

from problem import Instance, Solution, ValidationError

class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for the 2D Knapsack problem solution class."""


if __name__ == "__main__":

You can then access all additional helper methods that you may have added to the Instance and Solution classes as you would normally do.

If you would like to test the validation methods, i.e. validate_instance and validate_solution, you could do so as follows.

Assume, just for the sake of being able to give an example, that we would have added a validate_instance method to the Instance class with the following, rather nonsensical content:

# This method is just for demonstration purposes.
def validate_instance(self) -> None:
    if self.height != 1:
        raise ValidationError("The knapsack is not of height 1!?")

This rather silly method raises a validation error whenever the height of the knapsacks is unequal to one.

# Sample test for the validate_instance method
def test_knapsack_height_not_silly(self):
    with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
        faulty_instance = Instance.model_validate({"height": 2, "width": 1, "items": [(1, 1)]})

# Sample test for the validate_solution method
def test_item_overlap(self):
    instance = Instance(height=1, width=1, items=[(1, 1), (1, 1)])
    with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
        faulty_solution = Solution.model_validate({"packing": {0: (0, 0, "unrotated"), 1: (0, 0, "unrotated")}})
        faulty_solution.validate_solution(instance, Role.generator)

You can test the size function of the Instance class and the score function of the Solution class as you would test any other method.

If you use the unittest module, you can then run these tests by executing python -m unittest in the 2D Knapsack folder.

Writing a Description

We are done writing code for the problem. Now, it is a good idea to write a description file that tells the users that should work on the problem what it is about. This includes explaining the general idea and, more importantly, how the expected I/O is defined.

We recommend creating a file in the 2D Knapsack folder named, as this file name is automatically picked up by the packaging step that we will handle in the next step.


If you use the algobattle-web framework, the contents of this file will be displayed to your users when they click on the respective problem tab.

Packaging Everything Together

Now that our code is tested and documented, we are ready to hand it out! For this, we can again use the algobattle cli, which wraps up the, the algobattle.toml and the into a file that others can work on.

~ algobattle package problem
Packaged Algobattle project into /path/to/working/dir/2D Knapsack/2d_knapsack.algo


The algobattle.toml gets truncated during the packaging step. Only the [match] entries remain.

The Completed File

This is the final content of the that we have created.
"""The 2D Knapsack problem module."""
import itertools
from pydantic import Field
from typing import Annotated, Literal

from algobattle.problem import Problem, InstanceModel, SolutionModel, maximize
from algobattle.util import Role, ValidationError
from algobattle.types import u64, Interval, InstanceRef, SizeIndex

item_height = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=1, le=InstanceRef.height)]
item_width = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=1, le=InstanceRef.width)]
point = tuple[item_height, item_width]

class Instance(InstanceModel):
    """Instances of 2D Knapsack."""

    height: u64 = Field(ge=1)
    width: u64 = Field(ge=1)

    items: list[point]

    def size(self) -> int:
        return len(self.items)

position_height = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=0, lt=InstanceRef.height)]
position_width = Annotated[int, Interval(ge=0, lt=InstanceRef.width)]
rotation = Literal["unrotated", "rotated"]

class Solution(SolutionModel[Instance]):
    """Solutions of 2D Knapsack."""

    packing: dict[SizeIndex, tuple[position_height, position_width, rotation]]

    def validate_solution(self, instance: Instance, role: Role) -> None:
        flattened_packing = []
        for index, (pos_height, pos_width, rotation) in self.packing.items():
            item_height = instance.items[index][0 if rotation == "unrotated" else 1]
            item_width = instance.items[index][1 if rotation == "unrotated" else 0]

            height_endpoint = pos_height + item_height
            width_endpoint = pos_width + item_width
                (index, pos_height, height_endpoint, pos_width, width_endpoint)

        if height_endpoint > instance.height or width_endpoint > instance.width:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Item extends the knapsack boundaries.",
                detail=f"Item {index} was placed at position ({pos_height, pos_width}), extending the knapsack boundaries."

        for item, other_item in itertools.combinations(flattened_packing, 2):
            if item[1] < other_item[2] and item[2] > other_item[1]:
                if item[3] < other_item[4] and item[4] > other_item[3]:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        "Two items overlap.",
                        detail=f"Items {item[0]} and {other_item[0]} overlap."

    def score(self, instance: Instance, role: Role) -> float:
        area = 0
        for index in self.packing:
            area += instance.items[index][0] * instance.items[index][1]
        return area

    name="2D Knapsack",